Rat Race Daily Checklist

Here's my checklist for a smooth day flying.. I've never written this down before so  never realized paragliding had so many small details to manage...

Charge radio
Charge cellphone
Charge laptop
Upload flight to Leonardo
Write blog post about the day's adventures including embedded Google Earth track

Leave in car at race headquarters
GPS cable
Non flying jacket
Jeans for evening
Mosquito repellant
Extra clothes for after the flight

In Instrument bag
Gps cable

In shorts pocket
Car keys

In glider bag
Water bottle
Suncream in top pocket
Down Jacket if its cold
Spare pair of gloves
Down jacket in top pocket
Muesli bars

On launch arrival
Apply suncream
Attend race briefing
Setup route in GPS
Set radio frequency
Eat light lunch

60 min before race start time
Unpack glider in reverse launch position
Put instruments on flight deck
Check glider lines
Fill camelback from water bottle. Pack rest of water in harness
Pack glider inner bar, riser bag strap into flight deck
Pack museli bars in flight deck
Clip into harness harness facing glider
Put on helmet
Connect radio, turn on, and put in jacket pocket
Turn on Vario
Turn on GPS
Select route
Start navigation

45? minutes before race start time 
Enter start gate/start queue

30? minutes before race start
Launch and climb out

Race Start
Keep your cool
Watch who is climbing best
Stick with someone of the same ability and glider category

After the race
Get back to Race Headquarters
Hand in GPS for scoring or email .kml and .igs file to the scorekeepers
Chill out!