Ridge Racing at Torrey Pines

Full bar flying up and down Torrey Pines last night in strong breeze. Insane amounts of lift everywhere. Took off like a helicopter, going straight up from launch.

The only turns necessary were over bathtub rock at the north end and La Jolla beach at the south end, and spiraling down to burn off enough height to get down to land!

The hang gliders were out in force loving the conditions.

Landing was interesting, had to spiral down way out over the surf to get out of the lift, then going up even with big ears over the LZ, a quick hook turn to back of the LZ, a couple of wraps then landing down like a helicopter just like the start. 

One of the instructors called it a text book landing for the strong wind conditions which stoked my ego a little.

The strong laminar wind makes the average speed surprisingly low, despite being on speedbar probably 90% of this flight. You  you are never getting any tailwind...Leonardo says 22km in 1:20, which is an average of 26.7 km/hr.

I learnt to fly in New Zealand in strong conditions like this, so while a lot of pilots look down at flying the coast, for me blasting up and down the beach in a stiff laminar breeze without a care in the world and zero concern about where the next thermal is, is one of my favorite things about paragliding.

 Plus it's nice when the F/A-18 Hornets from Miramar roar out above you...