Tracklog on Leonardo
Results - 8th in Sport Class in the Race
Today the weather looked very windy early. Some free flight pilots took off and most sank out quickly into the valley. The task committee shortened the original ambitious task due to concerns about the wind up on the ridges towards the Grants turnpoint becoming dangerous.
Eventually after the start time was pushed out several times, things got going and people started launching. I spent a while climbing out as below launch height was more ridge soaring than thermal flying. The first climb didn't go high enough, so had to do it all again to get up enough height to cross the valley.
The course was set very conservatively, with an out and back valley crossing, then back again. Half way across the first crossing the convergence kicked in and I could fly along it all the way to the first turnpoint . After the second crossing I arrived low, but found a big strong thermal at just the right moment. There were thermals everywhere around the valley with little groups of people climbing in each.
The course turned west and unlike yesterday where I was brought to the ground by strong east wind, today the west wind was behind us and I climbed from Burnt up to 6000 ft with three or four other pilots. Another 1000ft climb and goal was in reach.
Turning downwind it was a beautiful, fast leg flying 15km in fifteen minutes over beautiful rolling hills, vineyards and orchards.
Loads of happy pilots in goal, including Sprint pilots who extended their flights from an earlier landing area after arriving with excess height.
The landing field is owned by a pilot, and he was walking around giving fantastic Henry Weinhard Private Reserve beer to every pilot that landed. What more can you want!
Results - 8th in Sport Class in the Race
A stiff breeze on launch resulted in a shortened task
Eventually after the start time was pushed out several times, things got going and people started launching. I spent a while climbing out as below launch height was more ridge soaring than thermal flying. The first climb didn't go high enough, so had to do it all again to get up enough height to cross the valley.
The course was set very conservatively, with an out and back valley crossing, then back again. Half way across the first crossing the convergence kicked in and I could fly along it all the way to the first turnpoint . After the second crossing I arrived low, but found a big strong thermal at just the right moment. There were thermals everywhere around the valley with little groups of people climbing in each.
The course turned west and unlike yesterday where I was brought to the ground by strong east wind, today the west wind was behind us and I climbed from Burnt up to 6000 ft with three or four other pilots. Another 1000ft climb and goal was in reach.
Turning downwind it was a beautiful, fast leg flying 15km in fifteen minutes over beautiful rolling hills, vineyards and orchards.
Flying over vineyards and orchards in the Medford Valley, with the volcanic cone of Mt McCloughlin in the distance
Loads of happy pilots in goal, including Sprint pilots who extended their flights from an earlier landing area after arriving with excess height.
The landing field is owned by a pilot, and he was walking around giving fantastic Henry Weinhard Private Reserve beer to every pilot that landed. What more can you want!
Packing up under the trees at Donato's landing field