Bought a model Windtech Pulsar 30 for my second trip to Piedrahita.
It's a nice wing, probably getting a bit dated now, but because I fly infrequently and look after it carefully, its still going strong. This is not me, by the way... Photo from the Windtech site.
Here is a review of the Pulsar. Mine is the 30 size as I'm 180cm and 84kg, so flying with 103 - 105kg all up weight. I met Steve Uzochukwu, who wrote this review, flying in Piedrahita the year before I decided to buy this glider.
I've done SIV courses in this glider, and had a few collapses going SC, but in general it is very typical 1-2 wing meaning it is a quite smooth an unruffled in normal flight, but can be coaxed to bite in and perform when you fly it more aggresively. Its faster on glide than many other DHV 1-2 wings out there with 37km/h trim spped.
It's a nice wing, probably getting a bit dated now, but because I fly infrequently and look after it carefully, its still going strong. This is not me, by the way... Photo from the Windtech site.
Here is a review of the Pulsar. Mine is the 30 size as I'm 180cm and 84kg, so flying with 103 - 105kg all up weight. I met Steve Uzochukwu, who wrote this review, flying in Piedrahita the year before I decided to buy this glider.
I've done SIV courses in this glider, and had a few collapses going SC, but in general it is very typical 1-2 wing meaning it is a quite smooth an unruffled in normal flight, but can be coaxed to bite in and perform when you fly it more aggresively. Its faster on glide than many other DHV 1-2 wings out there with 37km/h trim spped.