The thermometer outside my kitchen window was off it's scale today.
Forecast said high -14 C, low -19 C. Plus windchill means between -20C to -30C. Coldest winter I have had yet in Michigan.
So it's definately time to book my 2009 Valle de Bravo adventure.
The Valle 2009 World Paragliding Championships are just about to begin, so that should provide me lots of inspiration to beat my personal Valle de Bravo best...
Forecast said high -14 C, low -19 C. Plus windchill means between -20C to -30C. Coldest winter I have had yet in Michigan.
So it's definately time to book my 2009 Valle de Bravo adventure.
The Valle 2009 World Paragliding Championships are just about to begin, so that should provide me lots of inspiration to beat my personal Valle de Bravo best...