Loading Airspace to XCTrack on Android Phone

XCTrack is a great program, but as freeware for the small paragliding community the developer hasn't had time to write a manual. XCTrack does have the ability to download airspaces directly from the web. However, there is no download available for the USA, probably as the file is too big - over 9MB with something like 60,000 lines of data.  This means for US Airspace, we really need to create smaller local files. See the instructions in Creating an Airspace file for how to do this

Most of the functions in XCTrack are self explanatory. As it did take me some fiddling to figure this out, I thought it would be useful to write some instructions for how to upload files manually.

Note that XCTrack does appear to only work in meters. As the US Airspace file I am using is in ft, XCTrack calculates the height in feet to meters. e.g. The RIVERSIDE MARCH FIELD in the screenshot further below is CLASS C with 5500ft MSL ceiling, so XCTrack converts and adds text as well. What XCTrack displays is  "GND-1680m AMSL". "Ground to 1680m above mean sea level"

1. First you need an airspace file. Read Creating an Airspace File if you are not sure how to do this.
2. Connect your phone with the USB cable to your computer
3. On the computer, move the airspace file to the XCTrack/Airspaces directory

On my computer the file structure looked like this:

4. Open XCTrack on your phone
5. Press and hold the left menu button to show the menus (getting to the menu differs slightly on different Android phones).
6. Click Preferences
7. Choose Airspaces from the Preferences menu

8. Select Files and choose the file you moved to your phone in step 2. A blue tick will appear in the check box.

9. Click Activate and deselect individual airspaces if required - for instance ones that are impacted by a temporary NOTAM, or areas where you know you are not going to be flying close to.

10. Return to the map screen to check if the airspaces are showing. When the black cursor is inside the airspace the label will show.