Recent hard work by San Diego club members has resulted in further upgrades to our Palomar launch site.
Its now one of the most amazing and well thought through dedicated paragliding and hang-gliding launches I know! There are now four different launch slots as this site is flyable from SSE through to NW winds year around. The newest SSE launch is small with only space to setup a single glider behind a row of scrub. The dropoff is quite steep so if the wind comes directly in this direction, the small size is not an issue.
In summer the sea breeze can get strong here. The sea breeze tends to funnel around the San Luis Rey river valley from the NW creating turbulence behind ridgelines. Palomar therefore is often favored as a winter site, as the thermals reliably work, often up to 6000ft whenever the sun is shining. The valley winds are lighter in winter, and the clear air makes the spectacular view even more enjoyable.
The latest work included widening the main launch access area on either side, removing rocks from the grass in the edges in the HG setup area and around the top landing area, and building a trail for the new toilet.
Despite the large size of the top landing area, top landing here requires confidence as when the site is working, there will be a lot of lift all around launch and also over the flat setup and parking area. Pilots are often popped up as they approach or uncertain about how deep behind launch to approach to avoid potential lee side turbulence caused by the steep slope behind launch . With the grass edges cleaned up and the SSE launch area also cleared, there is more space for top landing options and final corrections if the lift on approach ends up being stronger than expected. This is a mountain, thermal launch combined with laminar winds coming up the mountain, so the top landing approach varies every single time based on the combination of thermal lift and upslope winds. If you can't get down the first time, just go around again. It just takes practice, the last time I landed here I managed my best top landing here yet, at just twenty feet from my car!
Note: As both the launch and landing are on private property with sensitive owers, SDHGPA membership is required to fly here, and car parking placard should be displayed on vehicles at both landing and launch areas at all times. See the club website for details or temporary membership.
Its now one of the most amazing and well thought through dedicated paragliding and hang-gliding launches I know! There are now four different launch slots as this site is flyable from SSE through to NW winds year around. The newest SSE launch is small with only space to setup a single glider behind a row of scrub. The dropoff is quite steep so if the wind comes directly in this direction, the small size is not an issue.
In summer the sea breeze can get strong here. The sea breeze tends to funnel around the San Luis Rey river valley from the NW creating turbulence behind ridgelines. Palomar therefore is often favored as a winter site, as the thermals reliably work, often up to 6000ft whenever the sun is shining. The valley winds are lighter in winter, and the clear air makes the spectacular view even more enjoyable.
The latest work included widening the main launch access area on either side, removing rocks from the grass in the edges in the HG setup area and around the top landing area, and building a trail for the new toilet.
Despite the large size of the top landing area, top landing here requires confidence as when the site is working, there will be a lot of lift all around launch and also over the flat setup and parking area. Pilots are often popped up as they approach or uncertain about how deep behind launch to approach to avoid potential lee side turbulence caused by the steep slope behind launch . With the grass edges cleaned up and the SSE launch area also cleared, there is more space for top landing options and final corrections if the lift on approach ends up being stronger than expected. This is a mountain, thermal launch combined with laminar winds coming up the mountain, so the top landing approach varies every single time based on the combination of thermal lift and upslope winds. If you can't get down the first time, just go around again. It just takes practice, the last time I landed here I managed my best top landing here yet, at just twenty feet from my car!
Note: As both the launch and landing are on private property with sensitive owers, SDHGPA membership is required to fly here, and car parking placard should be displayed on vehicles at both landing and launch areas at all times. See the club website for details or temporary membership.
Photo:San Diego Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association